We were contracted to manufacture, supply and install 9 Removable Bollards at the RNA Showgrounds.
For this job, our Photographer was on-site so for the first time ever, we can share a behind the scenes look at the install of our Bollards and we will explain our step-to-step methods during install. Enjoy!
Core Drilling into the ground to create a hole. This process approximately takes around 1/2-1 hour of continuous drilling and adding moisture around the hole.
The hole is then cleared up and the loose concrete is removed out of the ground.
The Removable Bollard holder is then placed into the ground. It is then measured to make sure that it's lined up.
After it's lined up, we pour concrete around the circumference of the Removable Bollard Holder. We then wait for the concrete to set.
The Bollards are then installed and placed into the ground.